by LubyG Admin | General, Web Design, Web Links, Websites
If you ever lose your website and it exists on the web archive we can re-create it for you. One of the best tools you can use to retrieve your old website is the Web Archive, often called the Way Back or WayBack Machine. If you are old enough you may recall the...
by LubyG Admin | General, Marketing, Social Media
Here is an article from Pew Research on Twitter. It is detailed and goes into things you may not need to know. The bottom line is Twitter users are about 22% of the population and 10% of Twitter users account for 80% of Twitter posts.
by LubyG Admin | Advertising, General
We Who Served is a unique advertising idea that helps business owners, their customers and veterans. One key tag works across multiple businesses who join. If you get your discount key tag at your favorite restaurant you can also use it at any other...
by LubyG Admin | Computers, General, Help, Security
Yahoo is the most often hacked free email system based on hacked emails we receive. Hotmail, Gmail, AOL and All others can be hacked easily if you are using an insecure password. The https:// in front means absolutely nothing when it comes to getting hacked. The thing...
by LubyG Admin | Email, General, Help, Security
Background Depending on the type of business email system you have there are many ways to block spam. Most business level email providers have some sort of built in filtering system. A common hosting platform that provides email is Cpanel. Your Cpanel email system may...