Adding a custom link to WordPress under the Appearance Menu is typically done through the WordPress dashboard. Here are the step-by-step instructions: Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard. You will need Administrator privileges to access the Appearance Menu. In...
I’ve learned some basics over the years about WordPress. Here are just a few pointers. 1. Various hosting platforms are available. They all have different levels of resources. The absolute best is going to be a Dedicated Server using Linux. There are many levels...
If you ever lose your website and it exists on the web archive we can re-create it for you. One of the best tools you can use to retrieve your old website is the Web Archive, often called the Way Back or WayBack Machine. If you are old enough you may recall the...
There is a bit of confusion many business owners encounter when they get a website. A website consists of two main parts, the domain name, and the hosting. The domain name is like the mailbox in front of your residence. The hosting is the land on which your residence...