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Are you looking for a WordPress or other type of website developer? Look no further. Our veteran website design and development team is ready to help.


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Contact Developers & Hosting Sales & Support

Hosting & Domains

Our hosting and domain name service is separate from our website development team. Go to LubygHosting.com and call 480-6242500 for 24/7 hosting sales and support.

Consultation & Appointments

Call or click here to schedule a 30 minute appointment for a design and development consultation.

Support Ticket

For current website customers with a login for updates to website development. Log in and submit ticket here.

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Frequently Asked Question

Hosting with lubyghosting.com

Host with LubygHosting.com then come here for your design and development.

Why is development and hosting separate

In some cases, we know you will want your own developer. We provide both services or let you pick which one serves your needs.

What about my domain name?

You can keep your domain name where it is or transfer it to our system. Transfering extends your domain name for one year or more. It is best to keep your domain name with your host.

How much will development cost?

Design and development fees depend on the amount of time the developer devotes to the project. On average you will be billed 50 to 75 dollars per hour based on an estimate.

Why business hosting is best

Most of our clients are business owners. If you are a big or small business you will want business hosting. However, we do provide smaller systems for beginners.

Do you provide backups?

Yes. All our hosting systems come with a tool that lets you back up your website and data. However, you may want off-site backups or additional backups.

What happens if I'm late paying my account?

You are notified by email. Please make sure you pay attention to these emails. If you fail to pay your bill you can lose your website and backups.