
If you ever lose your website and it exists on the web archive we can re-create it for you.

One of the best tools you can use to retrieve your old website is the Web Archive, often called the Way Back or WayBack Machine. If you are old enough you may recall the cartoon hour featuring Mr. Peabody and Sherman who made the Wayback Machine famous. Below are links to two different websites from September 2001, Google and our original site LetUsBeYourGuide.com.

Here is an example of what Google looked like back in September 2001

Here is our original namesake website LetUsBeYourBuide.com. This was also from Sep 2001. Do you notice anything interesting when you compare the two websites? Notice when Google started using tabs 🙂

Since then we shortened LetUsBeYourGuide to the acronym LubyG. The capital G is simply for style.We also changed our focus from search to website development. Think about that when you are looking to get a small business website. We are here to help. Let us be your guide!

If you ever lose your website and it exists on the web archive we can re-create it for you.